When Self-Publishing Gets You Down

by mintyfresh

caption mine, photo by mintyfresh

Well, self publishing my picture book – which comes out later this month (Yay!) – has been an exercise in patience and has stretched my knowledge to the max. I’ll admit there were a couple times I wanted to pull my hair out, but in the end it’s been worth it.

Yes I’m still surprised I feel that way. But then it all comes back to how crazy I am about books. And that makes perfect sense.

So what do you do when you feel down about your writing or illustrating?

Watch this cute song by Sue Fliess — seriously it made my day that much better.  (Thanks Sue!)

Still down?

Then take a moment and watch Nathalie Lussier’s video on feeling like you should give up.

Feeling better? I hoped you would. That’s one of the best parts about the internet all of us who are in the same boat can connect — an knowing there are people working through the same things I am makes me feel a ton better.

By the way. I misspelled illustrating as luustrating and spell check wants to know if I meant strangulating — creepy how a program can guess how you feel when your computer keeps hanging up.

What helps most when you feel like quitting?

Picture from flickr by mintyfresh.

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